
Mario 與 唔開心先生

everybody's beautiful
every creature is wonderful
i used to doubt it i used to doubt myself
i used to think that money was all my wealth

all the things they have said to me
have led to my curiosity
am i the worst one will i get nothing done
will other people come and take all my fun

there's so much i wanna say
shall we meet each other on a cloudy day
we're gonna count the clouds and shout aloud
of ourselves our dreams our lives we are proud

we will all find our own ways
i don't find it bad to admit we regret
we're gonna ride the clouds and shout aloud
of ourselves our dreams our lives we are proud

keep me awake with your new song
keep me amused with what is wrong
sometimes your watch doesn't show the correct time
but rest assured
i will always be by your side

i know you cried last time when it rained
but did you smile when the sun shined again
next time when you wanna cry when you feel sad
walk to the windows and slowly raise your head

That's so much i wanna say......



late autumn
brown leaves fall onto the ground
every time you walk around
i pick them up on the way
i follow you by this trace
i do admit i'm not that strong particularly when things go wrong
so if you hear me cry could you come and take me fly
and the stars always shine
miss moon always stays high
sunny days happy days
are what we're waiting for
and there in the sky
i still see the sun shining bright
every day every way would you like to come and walk beside me
i closed my eyes to feel the breeze
but it got so strong and i froze
i shivered and i sneezed
i was bounced onto a treei made some friends there on the tree
my new life there is so free
one day when you pass by
would you like to have a try
though the stars sometimes hide
miss moon sometimes doesn't smile
stormy days cloudy days one day will say goodbye

Be Happy!Don't Worry!



今年初今日網上行突然打電話,話而家網上行用戶可以免費有寬頻電視(有8個台),我巳經好小心,問清楚佢係唔係完全免費,佢話係,除非你申請其他channel,禁我就話好,但係其實果8個台真係冇野睇,而且部機好大部,睇左一陣就拆曬d線,將部機放埋12邊。點知網上行今日突然打電話泥,話我要交千幾蚊~我嚇左一嚇,問佢點解,佢話我之前申請左個乜鬼寬頻電視,而家要交錢,我問佢唔係免費,佢話我申請左個xx台(我都唔知係乜),每個月要交$42....計計埋埋要成千幾蚊(我唔知佢點計),我即刻同佢講冇申請過佢講果個xx台,冇用過點俾! :cwm23: 我巳經決定同佢對抗到底,唔會俾錢。



does jenny really love that boy
or has he always been only a toy
will someone come and say he loves me
i've got friends but i still feel so lonely



人人都說我太笨 我可以接受嗎
看看天空的月亮 照著每一個他
想一想笑笑 其實沒有介懷
看看我的臉沾滿淚水 但不等於我傷心 不等於心碎
我作了一個夢 沙灘裡燒烤 人人同樣快樂 相當溫暖
我縱有歡笑 雖似幸福
但不等於我開心 不等於真相
我作了一個夢 沙灘裡堆沙人人 原來是我孤單一個
我相信夢中的一切 太真實


Chill Pill

chill pill
i can't help but feel a bit shy when you look straight into my eyes though it's just your plan which is so artificial
so i've decided not to say hi next time when you pass by my side cos the way you smile cannot be more official
i think of you think of my old schools and all the states i've been in and all the places i've seen
i wasn't well prepared to wipe away my tears so when i got the letter from you i couldn't help but soak it with my tears
when you told me i was the one i felt nothing other than stunned how can i believe it must have been a mistake
so i've decided not to accept i'll throw away your photos i've kept is it wrong to love instead of being loved


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