Silence drawing the crowd
Surely you would have known
Never could write it alone
Woven webs cover the walls
Wine stains on the floor
Of the Oslo novelist now
Come tomorrow this will all be gone
Finally nothing to say
More empty words on the page
Hold a glass all the ribbons are dry
Raise a toast for the novelist tonight
Sun down fell, starting to wake
Tragedy at a time
Getting later and later every day
Words in lines collide
Can’t decide, how to make this end any other way
Come tomorrow this will all be gone
Finally nothing to say
More empty words on the page
Hold a glass all the ribbons are dry
Raise a toast for the novelist tonight
我已經好努力噤保持冷靜,不過佢真係好熱情,熱情到一個地步就係佢完全唔理我問嘅問題,我問一句佢講二十句。我問佢配散光係唔係會貴d,佢就只係不斷話,如果我只係配1 day 或者 2 weeks就唔會教我戴,要我自己搵人教。我已經有些不滿意為什麼他要不斷強調這一點,不過我見佢又比其他地方平,而且已經問了幾間,所以就諗住無所謂啦,快快脆走人。
當然我可以唔理佢走開啦,不過我果時細個淆底,而果時又熱播The Pancakes個九巴廣告,我呼隨口講話想搵佢嘅CD,心諗,「唔會有佢嘅cd賣掛」,點知真係有,噤我咪死死氣買左我人生中第一隻The Pancakes 嘅碟 - < Ok Karaoko>
返去之後第一次聽覺得好奇怪,同平時聽嘅流行曲好唔同,我平時都係聽開鄭秀文、容袓兒同Peter Paul and Mary果d。我開始有d後悔,你要知果時買一隻cd對於一個初中學生係一個唔細嘅負擔,莫論買左一隻自己唔鍾意嘅。不過愈聽得多,就慢慢有種奇怪嘅吸引力令我繼續去聽,開始研究每一句歌詞的意思,我開始發覺音樂原來可以這樣玩。就這樣,我與The Pancakes結下了不解之緣,亦打開了我的indie之門。
去睇The Pancakes演唱會前一日,突然收到dejay的電郵,說演唱會的銷售情況不太好。其實我有點擔心,擔心dejay會突然說這是好最後的一個演唱會,不會再出唱片,好在,到左現場之後,見到有唔少人walk in 買飛,都算full house,即刻打消左我依個念頭。